- Case Study -
Mitsubishi ElectricMitsubishi Electric – Living Environment Systems
Mitsubishi Electric is a global multinational electronics and electrical equipment manufacturing company, headquartered in Tokyo, Japan.
The Mitsubishi Electric Group operates on the corporate principle of contributing to society by enhancing its technologies, services, and creative powers, as a leader in the manufacture and sales of electric and electronic equipment.
In the UK, Mitsubishi Electric is a market leader in providing energy efficient solutions to heat, cool and ventilate buildings using innovative, heat pump and heat recovery technology.

Michelle Coombe,
General Manager Customer Service & Operations

Year Founded
Group Employees
Training Objective
Mitsubishi Electric Living Environmental Systems General Manager for Customer Service & Operations, Michelle Coombe, identified the need to improve the procurement team’s understanding of importing goods with core topics including: commodity codes, incoterms and general HMRC documentation.
Michelle wanted her team to have knowledge of best practice when communicating with counterparts in other countries.
Michelle was drawn to a staff development partnership with the Supply Chain Academy, following our delivery last year to other parts of the business on ‘Effective Negotiation’ & ‘Warehouse Management’.
Michelle heard from her colleagues how we had boosted efficiency with our focus on the practical application of knowledge and wanted a similar approach to meet her team’s needs. The Supply Chain Academy’s sister company, Customs Insights Consultancy, delivered a one day bespoke interactive ‘Practical guide to import & export documentation’ course, which provided the team with a good grounding in:
– HMRC Documentation
– Incoterms
– Commodity codes (tariffs)
– Transport and freight
– Calculating freight.
To make the day more interactive, engaging and powerful we also played a unique supply chain board game, which gave a common understanding of how much the supply chain (and business costs) can be affected by lead times, customer demand fluctuations, out of stocks, supplier behaviour, supply fluctuations.
We left the team with an:
– Awareness of the requirements involved with overseas trade
– Understanding of the documentation required
– Understanding of the essential terms (and jargon!).
The delegates who took part in the programme told us:
“The training was delivered in a manner that was easy to understand. It was good getting to grips with the supply chain and how my job fits into it”.
“The course made a ‘dry’ subject very enjoyable. Newer team members now have a greater awareness of commodity codes and incoterms”.
The board game was a great way to learn, and it made the training session very interactive”.
Our Creative Team

Paul Stone
Managing Director
Paul is an experienced Human Resources and Managing Director with a history of working in Blue Chip multinationals, professional services, the public sector and more recently in the education management industry.

Neil Roll
CP Training Gen Manager
Neil has been working in senior positions within supply chain education for the past five years, following over 25 years of practical logistics experience in a Blue Chip mulitnational company.