Insights Discovery® – Effective Leadership

Designed for Executives, delegates will learn how to become true business leaders. They will gain a critical understanding of the role that a leader can take and how they can become that person.

1 DAY COURSE – Please email for more information.

Good leadership is about mastering more than a set of management skills. Leaders should create a compelling vision, produce results, and maximise the effectiveness of their team through shared goals and values. Discovering Leadership Effectiveness helps people become the best leaders they can be.

Insights Discovery - How it Works:

Through Insights Discovery® and our own, in-house Insights Discovery® licenced practitioner, we use the Insights Discovery model to understand an individual’s unique preferences. Our Insights Discovery-based people development programmes are simple and deeply insightful. They provide immediate impact and enable positive, lasting change.

Insights Discovery® is:

  • Simple: easy to understand so everyone can apply what they learn.
  • Universal: it speaks to everyone at all levels.
  • Deeply Insightful: take you places you never expected.
  • Positive: the supportive language is so engaging it empowers people to change.
  • Fun! The memorable colour energy system that really sticks
Using Insights Discovery® as part of a wider programme:

Insights Discovery® is at the heart of everything that we do. This simple framework of four colour energies can be used to develop highly-tailored solutions to meet your unique business needs.

Example solutions:

  • Increasing communication and collaboration: learn how your team, department or organisation can work together more effectively in a series of Insights Discovery® Workshops.
  • Improving personal effectiveness: as part of a programme of coaching, Insights Discovery can be used to identify areas of strength and help create a development plan tailored to each individual.
  • Developing leaders and sales people: use an understanding of preferences to assess individual and collective strengths and enhance crucial business skills.
  • Explore the concept of change and gain an understanding of the process
  • Understand how different personality types respond to change
  • Engage the wider organisation by building relationships with staff
  • Motivate teams through change
Insights Discovery® - Effective Leadership
“The process of social influence to maximize the efforts of others…”

Designed for Executives, delegates will learn how to become true business leaders. They will gain a critical understanding of the role that a leader can take and how they can become that person.

Delegates will have the opportunity to explore in a safe environment the skills they need to develop in order to adopt a stronger leadership role, and will leave the course with a unique Leadership Action Plan. Throughout, the emphasis will be on helping delegates to achieve lasting behavioural change.

By the end of the course, participants will be able to:

  • Know your preferred Leadership style and how to adapt it to draw out effective performance from a team of people who have a range of skills, attitudes and cognitive/behaviour styles.
  • Lead and facilitate a group of people to productively solve abstract problems.
  • Form a group of individuals into a cohesive team that shares a commitment to a common goal.
  • Create a positive, productive atmosphere within an organisation.

Course Outline

  • Effective Leadership using Insights Discovery
  • Defining leadership in terms of your organisation
  • Becoming a leader, not just a manager
  • Key roles and tasks of a true leader
  • The business project application of key leadership theories and associated models, including:
    • Naturalistic
    • Functional
    • Situational
    • Autocratic/Participative
    • Transactional/Transformational
    • Moral
  • 30 definitions of leadership in terms of your preferred leadership style – what works for you?
  • Developing as a leader
  • Personal branding as a leader
  • The value of emotional intelligence
  • Setting your leadership agenda
Insights Discovery® – How it Works
Through Insights Discovery® and our own, in-house Insights Discovery® licenced practitioner, we use the Insights Discovery model to understand an individual’s unique preferences. Our Insights Discovery-based people development programmes are simple and deeply insightful. They provide immediate impact and enable positive, lasting change.

Insights Discovery® is:

  • Simple: easy to understand so everyone can apply what they learn.
  • Universal: it speaks to everyone at all levels.
  • Deeply Insightful: take you places you never expected.
  • Positive: the supportive language is so engaging it empowers people to change.
  • Fun! The memorable colour energy system that really sticks
Using Insights Discovery® as Part of a Wider Programme
Insights Discovery® is at the heart of everything that we do. This simple framework of four colour energies can be used to develop highly-tailored solutions to meet your unique business needs.

Example solutions:

  • Increasing communication and collaboration: learn how your team, department or organisation can work together more effectively in a series of Insights Discovery® Workshops.
  • Improving personal effectiveness: as part of a programme of coaching, Insights Discovery can be used to identify areas of strength and help create a development plan tailored to each individual.
  • Developing leaders and sales people: use an understanding of preferences to assess individual and collective strengths and enhance crucial business skills.
  • Explore the concept of change and gain an understanding of the process
  • Understand how different personality types respond to change
  • Engage the wider organisation by building relationships with staff
  • Motivate teams through change